Friday, May 8, 2009


i love children. obviously. i work at a school. there is something about their imagination, their purity, their honestly that i find so refreshing. i wish adults didn't lose that and become corrupt a**holes, but hey, i'm not God here, so can't do much about that. i have "rules" i hold myself to. just little things that are important to my character, that i make sure i always follow. even when no one is around. one of my rules, my favorite, is that i NEVER have and NEVER will drive by a lemonade stand. it literally takes all of 30 seconds and you absolutely make a kid's day. i start smiling immediately when i see one of those fold up tables on the side of the road. might be one of the cutest things kids do. if i can i try to give them money in the form of dollars, and never ask for change. one dollar to put in their paper cup? best dollar spent.

whether you stop or not at a lemonade stand speaks volumes about a person. they are too rushed, too busy, too 'important', too whatever-all i know is if you are a non lemonade stand stopper, you probably aren't that happy. you aren't a stop and smell the roses type of person. this should be a first date question... if they don't stop.... you should stop. stop your date and get the hell out of there.

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